How Do I Renew My Domestic Helper Contract in Singapore

Renewing a domestic helper contract is a common concern among employers in Singapore. As a responsible employer, you must ensure that you comply with the legal requirements and procedures involved. In this article, we will guide you through the process of renewing a domestic helper contract in Singapore.

Step 1: Check the Employment Contract

Before you start the renewal process, it is important to check the existing employment contract of your domestic helper. The contract must be valid and not expired. The contract should also specify the terms of employment, such as salary, working hours, duties, and responsibilities. If there are any changes to the terms of employment, you must discuss them with your domestic helper before renewing the contract.

Step 2: Submit the Renewal Application

To renew a domestic helper`s contract in Singapore, you are required to submit an application to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). The application can be submitted online via the Work Permit Online (WPOL) system or at any of the MOM`s Services Centres. You must submit the application at least four weeks before the expiry date of the existing contract.

Step 3: Pay the Levy

As an employer, you are required to pay a monthly levy for your domestic helper. The levy amount depends on the type of work permit and the nationality of your helper. Before renewing the contract, you must ensure that all levy payments are up to date. Failure to pay the levy can result in penalties and the cancellation of the work permit.

Step 4: Complete the Medical Examination

It is mandatory for all domestic helpers to undergo a medical examination before renewing their contracts. The examination must be conducted by a Singapore-registered doctor at a MOM-approved clinic. The examination includes tests for infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis and HIV. Once the examination is completed, you must submit the medical report to MOM.

Step 5: Complete the Settling-In Programme

If your domestic helper is renewing her contract for the second time with you, she must attend the Settling-In Programme (SIP). The SIP is a mandatory programme that provides helpers with practical information and skills to adapt to living and working in Singapore. The programme must be completed within the first three days of the helper`s arrival in Singapore.

In conclusion, renewing a domestic helper contract in Singapore requires careful planning and adherence to legal procedures. By following the five steps outlined above, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free renewal process. As a responsible employer, you should also provide your domestic helper with a safe and healthy working environment, fair wages, and good working conditions.