Contracted Sentence Examples

Contracted Sentence Examples: Enhancing Your Writing with Concision

In writing, every word counts. Given that, it’s essential to use all the means at your disposal to make your writing as concise and clear as possible. One such tool is the contracted sentence.

What is a contracted sentence?

A contracted sentence is a phrase or sentence in which two words are combined to create a shorter form. It is done by replacing one or more letters and adding an apostrophe. The most common examples of contracted words are can’t (cannot), don’t (do not), and won’t (will not).

Contracted sentences are often used in conversation to save time and effort. However, they are also useful in writing. Contracted sentences can make your writing more concise, easier to read, and give your writing a conversational tone.

Here are some examples:

– I can’t wait to start my vacation.

– She won’t be able to attend the meeting tomorrow.

– He doesn’t like to eat sushi.

As you can see from these examples, contracted sentences are shorter and more direct than their uncontracted counterparts. They make writing more accessible to readers, as it sounds more conversational and less formal.

Advantages of using contracted sentences.

Using contracted sentences has many benefits. Some of the advantages are:

1. Increased clarity: Contracted sentences allow you to express your thoughts and ideas more clearly as they eliminate unnecessary words and phrases.

2. Enhances the flow of writing: Contracted sentences enhance the flow of writing as they eliminate the need for unnecessary pauses and breaks.

3. Saves space: Using contracted sentences help you save space in your writing. This saves time and allows you to communicate your ideas in a more concise and precise manner.

4. Improves readability: Contracted sentences can make your writing more appealing to readers since it sounds more natural and less formal. They make the text easier to read and understand.

When should you use contracted sentences?

Contracted sentences are often used in informal writing styles like blog posts, emails, social media posts, and personal letters. However, they can be used in formal writing like academic papers and reports with the appropriate tone.

Here are some guidelines for using contracted sentences in formal writing:

1. Avoid using contracted sentences in your thesis statement.

2. Do not use contracted sentences when quoting someone.

3. Use contracted sentences sparingly in business letters, memos, and reports.


Using contracted sentences in your writing is an excellent way to enhance the flow of your text, increase clarity, save space, and improve readability. It’s an essential tool that helps you communicate your ideas more effectively. However, it should be used sparingly in formal writing and appropriately in the right context. Try using contracted sentences in your writing to make it more concise, clear, and engaging.